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Boogie Pensacola Y2K Coverage

Y2K Update (as of April 2000)

Summary: Thousands of Y2K bugs have triggered since New Year's, most minor and quickly repaired or worked around. Nuclear power plants across the globe had Y2K problems, raising concern.

Y2K News Since February 19, 2000

On February 19, 2000, the U.S. government officially declared victory against the Y2K bug. The following are news-making bugs and other Y2K news since then:

Y2K Bugs Reported Between December 30, 1999 and February 19, 2000

Below are some of the more interesting Y2K-related bugs reported.


What happened with the warning of a huge terrorist bomb plot for New Year's Eve? On December 29, 1999, police in over a dozen countries worldwide including the F.B.I. in the U.S. conducted a massive roundup of suspected terrorists, detaining several hundred people in Europe, the U.S. and the Middle East. In January 2000, the U.S. indicted two more men linked to an Algerian terrorist group, prosecutors released evidence hinting at the involvement of Osama bin Laden, and the U.S. State Department called the late December roundup "one of the largest counter-terrorism operations in modern history."

And what about the warnings of domestic extremist terrorism? On January 6, the F.B.I. reported that it had thwarted around twenty Y2K threats, including around a dozen threats to blow up equipment such as power plants. Actual violence during the millennium rollover was minor, including a bomb detonated at an Illinois electric transmission tower, and a transformer that was shot out in Englewood, Texas.

An expected surge in virus and hacking activity did not materialize at the rollover, but hacking did increase later. Three major cases of hackers obtaining credit card information surfaced recently. Beginning in late January, unidentified hackers (possibly from China) began attacking large numbers of Japanese government web sites.

Last Note

On December 29, 1999, the New York Times reported, "With four days until the year 2000, government officials, company managers and computer experts are waiting anxiously to see if the public will remain calm . . . Repair work has lagged behind in many countries and some domestic sectors . . . Year 2000 readiness advocates contend that it is reckless for individuals not to prepare for major disruptions just as the government and major companies have done . . . For all the work that has been done, tough challenges are still ahead . . . Government and company officials will be struggling to separate fact from rumor . . . No one thinks Americans will stay relaxed if major disruptions unexpectedly develop. Indeed, for most of this year, many of the biggest debates have swirled around how to encourage some preparations without inciting unusual behavior or panic."